Survey on the distribution of Red-shanked Douc in Đakrông Nature Reserve, Quang Tri province
Pygathryx nemaeus or Red-shanked Douc, is referred as the most beautiful primate in the world. Two herds of Red-shanked Douc (Pygathryx nemaeus)with 13-17 individuals have been found in the Đakrông Nature Reserve, Quảng Tri province in the survey on species population status and distribution implemented by CEGORN and closely coordinated by Management Board of Đakrông […]
Cooperative Production, General Business and Voluntary Conservation of Hatinh Langur – Continuing the journey of conservation and sustainable livelihood development.

April 14, 2023, marking the launch of the Cooperative Production, General Business and Voluntary Conservation of Hatinh Langur in Tuyen Hoa district, Quang Binh province is also a continuation of the solutions to the problem sustainable conservation The cooperative was established by the key members of 15 members of the Ha tinh langur Voluntary Conservation […]
Many impressive stories from the visit of BGCI and ICRAF, CEGORN to the white-necked langur conservation model in Quang Binh province

From 14 to 17 March 2023, Regional Programs Director of Botanical Garden Conservancy International (BGCI), Mr. Joachim Gratzfeld, and BGCI Regional Coordinator for Southeast Asia, Ms. Greetha Arumugam, had a field visit to Tuyen Hoa district, Quang Binh province within the the project “People, Primates, Plants: co-managing biodiversity and improving livelihoods in Vietnam” by Darwin […]